Monday to Friday- 7:45am – 5:00pm | Saturdays- 7:45am – 1pm
Monday to Friday- 7:45am – 5:00pm | Saturdays- 7:45am – 1pm
The differential splits the power going to the wheels. A car’s wheels need to rotate at different speeds or distances with regularity, especially when turning. For example, when you turn left, the right wheel has to rotate a bit faster because it has a little bit farther to go than the left one. That’s why it’s called a “differential.” 2-wheel drive cars have this part in the front and 4-wheel drive cars have one on both ends.
Cars with high mileage are more likely to need differential repairs. Be on the lookout for these signs that yours might need work:
Don’t ignore these signs and get your vehicle checked out. You will spare yourself a breakdown on the road and potentially more expensive repairs to the axle or transmission.